Ethical Hacking- Introduction to the Course
Ethical Hacking Module Description
Module - 1 (Introduction)
1. Introduction to Hacking
2. Basic Terminologies (Part 1)
3. Basic Terminologies (Part 2)
4. Basic Terminologies (Part 3)
Module - 2 (Setting-up the Lab)
1. The lab, Overview
2. Installing Virtual box
3. Basics of Linux
4. Installing Kali Linux as virtual Machine
5. Installing Kali using ISO
6. Overview of Kali Linux
7. Understanding Terminal
8. Run Kali Linux as Live
Module - 3 (Network Hacking)
Part 1- Introduction to module 3
1. Introduction to module 3
Part 2- Pre-Connection Attacks
1. Introduction to networking
2. Connecting network adapter to Kali Linux
3. Understanding MAC address
4. Enable Monitor mode
5. Packet Sniffing
Part 3- Gaining Access
1. Understanding wireless security
2. Capturing handshake
3. Cracking Wi-Fi Password
Module - 4 (Social Engineering)
Part 1- Introduction to Social Engineering
1. Introduction to social engineering
Part 2- Setting up the environment
1. Setting up the lab
2. Installing ubuntu
Part 3- Basics of Linux
1. Getting familiar with Kali Linux
2. Understanding terminal
3. Kali Linux full screen
4. Creating Snapshots
Part 4- Information Gathering
1. Introduction to Maltego
2. Deep dive in maltego
Part 5- Windows Hacking
1. Installing Veil
2. Understanding veil
3. Creating undetectable backdoor
4. set receiver
5. using veil to hack windows
6. Getting started with FatRat
7. Using FatRat
8. Password stealing using Lazagne Part - 1
9. Password stealing using Lazagne part - 2
10. Use LaZagne Remotely
11. Making LaZagne non detectable
12. Metasploit introduction
13. Using Msfvenom
14. Using encoders with Msfvenom
15. Using HxD in Msfvenom
16. Installing empire
17. Setting up listeners
18. Creating empire payload
19. Making our payload undetectable
Part 6- Key logger
1. Installing key logger
2. Using key logger
Part 7- Enhancing our windows payloads
1. Downloading multiple files at once
2. Downloading payload with an image
3. Downloading payload with pdf
4. Run bat files Silently
5. Change payload icon
6. Change Payload extension
Part 8- Linux Hacking
1. Ubuntu Hacking Demo 1
2. Generating payload using Empire
3. Key logger for ubuntu
4. Embedding code in a package - 1
5. Embedding code in a package - 2
Part 9- Android Hacking
1. Understanding IP change
2. Using FatRat
3. Using evil-droid
4. Using Msfvenom
Part 10- Using these attacks outside the network
1. Understanding IP Addresses
2. Understanding port forwarding
3. Using NgRok
Part 11- Delivery Methods and social engineering
1.Email spoofing
2. Social engineering _ Website cloning
Part 12- Post Exploitation
1. Basic meterpreter commands
2. Meterpreter commands 2
3. Creating Unbreakable Connection
Part 13- Phishing (Outside the network)
1. Hack social media accounts
2. Setoolkit outside the network
Part 14- Security
1. Detect spoofed mails
2. Detect Trojans
3. Save yourself from Phishing
Module - 5 (Website Hacking)
Part 1- Introduction
1. Introduction to websites
Part 2- Installing Required Software
1. Installing Metasploitable
2. Installing windows as a virtual machine
Part 3- Information Gathering
1. Understanding metasploitable
2. Whois Lookup
3. Using Netcraft
4. Robtex
5. Websites on same server
6. Finding Subdomains
7. Discovering _ Analysing sensitive files
8. Using Maltego
Part 4- File Upload Vulnerability
1. Breaking Low security
2. Breaking Medium Security
3. High Security
Part 5- Code execution Vulnerabilities
1. Understanding code execution Vulnerability
2. Medium Security Level
Part 6- Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
1. Introduction to local file inclusion - 1
2. LFI Live Demonstration
Part 7- SQL Injection
1. Understanding SQL Syntax
1. Introduction to SQL injection
2. Check for SQL in websites
3. Understanding Commands (Low Security Level)
4. Medium Security Level
2. Getting the Database
1. SQL in GET Method
2. Database extraction
3. Moving further with sql
Part 8- Advanced SQL Injection
1. Blind Sql introduction
2. SQL in medium security
3. Blocked Characters
4. Single output restrictions
5. Understanding SQL Security
6. Automatic SQL injection
Part 9- XSS Vulnerabilities
1. xss introduction
2. XSS in low security
3. xss in medium security
4. Advanced XSS Vulnerability
5. Stored XSS Vulnerability
6. Stored XSS and bypassing fiters
Part 10- Brute Force
1. Introduction to brute force
2. Crunch Command
3. Using Hydra to brute force
4. Gmail hacking
Part 11- Browser Exploitation
1. initialializing BeeF
2. BeeF Teaser and stored XSS
3. Basic beef commands
4. Hook victim to beef using fake webpage
5. Beef via Fake update
Errors you may face
Possible problems in Module 2
No NAT Network found
Resolution Problems
Resolution Problems 2
Possible problems in Module 3
Wifi Card undetected
Possible problems in Module 5
Installing Beef Part-1
Installing Beef Part-2
Mutillidae Login error
1. Oracle VM VirtualBox
2. Kali Linux Custom Image
3. Virtual Machines - Microsoft Edge Developer
4. Ubuntu Download Page
5. Veil GitHub
6. FatRat GitHub
7. Lazagne GitHub
8. Run LaZagne remotly
9. Download HxD
10. AntiScan.Me - Online Virus Scanner
11. Empire GitHub
12. Keylogger
13. Downloading Multiple Files
14. Bat to exe converter
15. Icon - 1
16. Icon - 2
17. Convert png to ico
18. Another way to download multiple files
19. Ubuntu Packages Search
20. Evil-Droid GitHub
21. NgRok (Recommended)
22. (Mostly overloaded)
24. Sendinblue (email spoofing)
25. Hybrid Analysis
Module 6- Congratulations!
Ethical Hacking Conclusion
Ethical Hacking project
Ethical Hacking Project
Ethical Hacking Final Exam
Preview - Ethical Hacking
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