VBA & Macros - Overview of the Course
Module 1- Basic
Part 1- Getting started
1. Getting started - Basic
2. Getting started - Macros
3. Getting started - VBE
Part 2- Referencing and Tools
1. Referencing
2. Basics of VBA Code
Part 3- Object Model
1. Object
2. Property and Method
3. Your First Code
4. Important Methods
5. Workbook Reference
6. SAVE AS a workbook
7. Worksheet Reference
Part 4- Refer Ranges in VBA Code
1. Refer ranges
2. Rows Concept(Last used row)
Part 5- Macros Variables
1. Working with Variables
2. Working with Object Variables and Variable Scopes
Module 2- Intermediate
Part 1- Looping
1. With and End With Statement
2. For Each and Next Statement
3. If and Select Case Statement
4. Combination of Each and If Statement
5. Go To Statement
Part 2- Counter Looping
1. Basic For...Next Loop
2. Reverse For...Next Loop
3. Nested Loop
4. Do Loop
5. Find method
6. Timer and Speech.Speak
Part 3- Working with functions
1. Getting started Functions and Text Functions in Excel
2. Text Functions (VBA)
3. Customised Text Functions
4. Date Functions (VBA)
5. Dynamic Ranges
6. Sum Functions
7. Count Functions
8. Max Functions
9. VLOOKUP Excel Revision
11. INDEX and MATCH Excel Revision
12. INDEX and MATCH in VBA
Part 4- Important Tools,Debugging and Error Handling
1. Message Box
2. Input Box in VBA Library
3. Input Box in Excel Library
4. Debugging and Error Handling
5. Procedure Scope
Part 5- Macro Arrays
1. One Dimensional Array
2. Dynamic Arrays
3. Two-Dimensional Arrays
4. Arrays Project
Part 6- Deal with Files, Folders using VBA
1. File or Folder exists or not
2. GetOpenFilename Method
3. File Dialog Property
4. Convert into CSV File
5. Convert into Text File
Module 3- Advanced
Part 1- Working with Tables, Pivot Tables
1. Excel Tables
2. Pivot Tables
Part 2- Working with Charts
1. Basic Charts
2. Advance Charts
Part 3- Deal with Other Applications
1. Create PDF File
2. Create Personalized Documents
3. Create Personalized Emails
Part 4- Excel Events
1. Workbook Events
2. Worksheet Events
3. Intersection Method
Part 5- Working with Form and Active X Controls
1. Dropdown List - Data Validation
2. Dropdown List - Combo Box
3. Basic Active X Controls
4. Basic Check Box
5. Advance Check Box
6. Combo Box
7. Advance Active X Controls
Practice Sheets
Example Macro
Object Model
Looping through collections
Counter Looping
Text Functions
Functions (VBA)
Lookup and References Functions
Working with Arrays
Working with Tables
Working with Charts
Interaction with different applications
Reference - Customized_Letter
Dropdown Lists
VBA Conclusion
VBA & Macros Project
VBA Final Project
VBA & Macros Final Exam
Preview - Become Master in Excel: VBA & Macros
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