This is a type of entrepreneurship where an individual, group of people or any start-up come up with an idea to solve any societal, cultural, or any environmental issue. These people go for this entrepreneurship to for a good cause. It is types of business where people ask themselves ‘what good they can do for their society?’ .They commit themselves at giving back to their society. They always try to find out the solutions to the problems around them. These entrepreneurs are supported by all the organizations, government and people too because they work for a good cause. 

1. URVASHI SAHNI - She is founder and CEO of Study Hall Education Foundation (SHEF). This is an organization with provide education to the most disadvantaged girls all over India. She has worked with more than 900 schools all over India and has changed the life of more than 400000 lakh girls with her program. She was facilitated with the very prestigious award ‘Social entrepreneur of the year’ in the year 2017 for her contribution toward society and her dedication towards her work.

2. SANTOSH PARULEKAR - He is the founder and CEO of Pipal Tree. This company ensures to give employment to thousands of people and trains them in different fields. They work to provide high quality work at reasonable cost. They have a team of more than 1500 workers. His company also runs vocational training schools in many schools across India.

3. SHUSHMITA GHOSH - She is the founder of Changemakers and was also the president of Ashoka, and was the country representative for India. Changemker aims at making a global network of all the innovators, business leaders, social entrepreneurs’ activists and policy maker all at one place. They help in proving support to the budding entrepreneurs and provide them different tips to build themselves. She also worked as freelance journalist for many renowned newspapers and magazines brand.

4. HANUMAPPA SUDARSHAN - He is a tribal right activist and an Indian social entrepreneur. He is well known for his contribution in the area of tribal community. He started Vivekanada Girjananda Kalyana Kendra mainly for the r=tribal community of karnataka. He is the founder of Karuna trust and also the honorary secretary for the same. He follows Gandhiji’s ideology for the rural development, and also inspired by Swami Vivekananda.

5. ANSHU GUPTA - He founded Goonj in the year 1999 along with his and some of his friends.. to work on providing basic need of clothe to the underprivileged people. Under Goonj’s Initiative which was named as ‘Cloth for Work’, where the people of village work across India for the issues and in return they get the urban material as the rewards. This initiative by them received recognition at various levels. They also started ‘Not just a piece of cloth’ as an initiative after the tsunami of the year 2004.He was rewarded with ‘Social entrepreneur of the year’ by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship’ in the year 2012 for their amazing work.

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